Jerry Yang, The Co-founder Of Yahoo, Resigns

Chief Yahoo, the co-founder of Yahoo Inc, Jerry Yang, has resigned from the company  in an unexpected and surprising move. Yang  also quit from all positions in Yahoo including the board of directors.

Jerry Yang
Jerry Yang

Yang’s sudden exit comes two weeks Scott Thompson joins Yahoo as its new CEO.

Along with David Filo, Jerry Yang founded Yahoo Inc  in 1995 which enjoyed highest success in the 90s. However for the last couple of years, Yahoo is struggling mainly due to Yang’s inability to handle the effective financial decisions at the right time. He was under fire from investors for delaying important investment deals which may have rescued Yahoo’s business long back.

Yahoo yet to comment on the sudden departure of Yang.  

Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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