North Korea launches ‘projectiles’ into the sea

This comes merely hours after the UN vote on North Korea sanctions

The South Korean defence ministry has reported that North Korea has been involved in firing several short-range projectiles into the sea, only a couple of hours following the United Nation Security Council’s to place its strongest sanctions yet on the Asian nation. The spokesperson of Korea’s southern half said that the projectiles had been fired from Yonhap, the east coast of North Korea at around 10:00 local time. However, authorities were unable to exact the nature of these projectiles.

The UN sanctions, that have been placed repeatedly in increasing order of severity on North Korea are in response to the country’s recent nuclear test and satellite launch. China, North Korean and American ally through the ages spent nearly 6 weeks discussing the sanctions with the country in question. All cargoes travelling to and from North Korea shall be inspected and 16 individuals and 12 organisations have been added to the blacklist under the jurisdiction of the new sanctions. Moreover, the sanctions place an embargo on the sale and transfer nk 1of even minute weapons and artillery to the state.

In addition, the sanctions require immediate expulsion of diplomats who indulge in related ‘illicit activities’. President Barack Obama of the United states commented on the efficiency of the sanctions, saying that,”The world community is speaking with one voice to tell the North that must abandon these dangerous programmes and choose a better path for its people.” The Prime Minister of South Korea added, in full support of the sanctions,that she hoped that the North Korean government  ” will now abandon its nuclear development programme and embark on a path of change”.

Meanwhile, the North Korean government continues to remain defensive about its nuclear tests, claiming their nature to be purely scientific. About the latest test in January 2016—the fourth such illicit test since 2006—that it was required for the testing of its new hydrogen bomb technology. However, the United states, South Korea as well as China maintain that launches like the satellite expatriation to the orbit indicate an attempt to develop inter-continental ballistic missiles.

Source: BBC

Khushi Desai

About Khushi Desai

Khushi Desai is anything but your typical girl next door. A legit Potterhead, she pens international news here at Spectral Hues. Charming, straightforward and downright sarcastic, give her a first edition and you'll have her hooked. A 16 year old girl with strong political opinions, she is a force to reckon with.


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