WhatsApp ends support

WhatsApp, in a recent blog post, announced that they are going to end support for Blackberry (including BB 10), Symbain, Windows phone 7.1 and Android 2.2/2.3.

Back in 2009 when WhatsApp launched, 70% of phones ran on either of these operating systems but since then almost everyone has gradually shifted to either iOS or Android.

“While these mobile devices have been an important part of our story, they don’t offer the kind of capabilities we need to expand our app’s features in the future,” is what WhatsApp quoted on their website, the company is now looking at the future, and wants to channelize its focus on the current and possible future mobile operating systems, and their updates.

While BB OS 10 can run Android apps, a person using blackberry OS 10 can continue to use WhatsApp but at the tradeoff of losing the BB Hub integration. Other platform users will either have to update the devices or bid adieu to one of the most loved messaging platform.

Yash Khatri

About Yash Khatri

In technology we trust. God made man and man created technology thereby proving technology was indeed created by the divine and so we shall always keep it in high regards and staying true to the statement Yash stays in tech all through the day and at night in his dreams. An Avid Apple FanBoy and an Android loyalist a perfect oxymoron, tries to live his life in the simplest of ways possible in the most complex of gadgets. A Writer at Soul, An Entrepreneur at mind and an Avid Techie at Heart.


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