Sundance Snaps: “Blind” premiering on 17th Jan

At Sundance, this year, one of the major attractions premiering is “Blind,” a Norwegian Blinddrama. Eskil Vogt’s drama centers on Ingrid, a woman who’s just lost her vision and struggles to maintain stability.

The stand-alone emotional moments, the surreal setting, the sparse dialogues give a feel of an intense watch at the theater.

The film will premiere on January 17th in the World Dramatic section at Sundance. Otherwise, the film will be releasing on 28th February in Norway.

Sankha Ghosh

About Sankha Ghosh

Sankha Ghosh was never born in that 'City of Joy', never was a banker, never watched a Godard, never loved Kafka, never fell for that Solitary Reaper, never danced on a friend’s wedding, never fought for human rights, never had a crush at college and never ever aspired to work on a novel! Never was he as simple as this! #He wishes


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